I know this is going to sound like Garrison Keillor doing one of his week-in-review tales about The News from Lake Wobegon, but this is Belinda, the pastor's wife... just having to write a few words about her observations about the "The News of the Good Life in Sidney, Nebraska..." in particular, about the dear folks involved with the First United Methodist Church (FUMC) in Sidney, Nebraska!
So I guess this is "The News of the FUMC Good Life" from Sidney, Nebraska!
There have been so many blessings showering down on us! The number one blessing of all that I have noticed this last week:
Faithful servants who give of themselves for the betterment of the church community.
Today I saw Bill Walter outside most of the day... tending to the church lawn. He has been SO faithful this summer, watering the grass, mowing the lawn, weed-whacking those weeds, etc. All who come into contact with his enthusiastic and upbeat spirit are the richer for it, to be sure!
This week, I saw our secretaries, Jan and Karen, doing all the countless secretarial things they do for us each and every week. In particular, this week, they were getting the newsletter out and paying end-of-month bills, etc. There was a flurry of activity in the church office!
Julie Armbruster stopped by the office this week with ANOTHER one of her prayer shawls that she just completed. I think she has made at least 20 of them in the last year: Wow!
Marilee Rowan: Your visits to the hospital and the nursing homes and to folks' homes: You are one amazing Lay Care Giver, extraordinaire!
On Sunday, we honored two of the three youth leaders who led the successful Youth Mission Trip 2007, to Denver, last week. Their willingness to take a week off from work to lead our youth missionaries... well, it is awesome and inspiring, to be sure! Thank you SO much, Janet Rosenbaum, Beau Mathewson and Sarah!! (Sarah, we missed you at the potluck, but I hope you felt our love and appreciation, all the same!)
It was last Saturday, when the Hopwood Family volunteered their time to work at the church. Jennifer and Cassie put up posters and decorated the new "Christian Education Office" (the end office in the office suite of the church). Paul and sons were downstairs, setting up tables, getting ready for the church potluck luncheon on Sunday.
Also on Saturday, Janet Rosenbaum and Whitney Armbruster were practicing their special music selections for Sunday's 10:00 worship service. (They sounded awesome... both at practice and at the worship service!)
Also on Saturday, the Care Share team was busy in the kitchen, preparing some wonderful food and then setting forth to deliver it to folks around town.
I know I haven't mentioned everyone, but God knows. God knows all the many things that his good and faithful servants do... to make a church building... a church home.
I thank God every day that He brought me "home" to this church, this town, this county. My heart is full!
Yea, God: It is a good life, indeed!!!