After a great morning at worship in Sidney, we headed south to Denver and a quick get-away in the big city.
We checked into our B&B downtown and then headed out to our first adventure, a football (soccer) match between the Colorado Rapids (of Major League Soccer) and Everton FC (of the English Premier League). It was a close game, with Everton pulling out a 2-1 win in the 88th minute of play.
In the picture of us at the game: If you look closely (i.e., double-click on the picture and it will enlarge)... you can see the bright orange ear plugs in Belinda's ears. There is a custom of folks blowing really loud horns throughout the game experience, and it was all a bit too much for Belinda's sensibilities, so they were good enough to give her some ear plugs AND change our seats, so we sat behind the horn blowers (instead of right in front of them). Whew! Regardless, we enjoyed the game very much!
Tomorrow is another day, so come back for more.
P.S. If you want to see where we are staying, check out this website for Kay's Room at the Gregory Inn, downtown Denver: http://www.gregoryinn.com/tour/room_kay.html. Pictures above include Belinda in the B&B's parlor and Charles in the dining room, looking through their way-cool telescope. It's a wonderful place to stay!