We left our home in Sidney at 5:55 A.M.! We stopped at the Rooster Restaurant in a village off I-76, about half an hour before we got to the Denver International Airport. We had SUCH a good breakfast; it really put fuel in our tanks, so we could keep going today. Charles' mother loves chickens. Everything in this restaurant is so cute, complete with chickens on cafe curtains all around the dining room. We'll have to take Mom Alkula there some time.
We parked at USParking, long-term parking for the airport. Thanks, Rilla, for the tip to park there. They are so efficient! The signs guide you into exactly where they want you to park. Shuttle buses are waiting for you to board. A fellow even gave us a slip of paper detailing exactly where we left our car parked. The shuttle bus was comfortable and got us to the airport right away. Most impressive all around!
Once we got to the airport, we were processed through "the process" of getting to and on the plane. Shoes off; laptop out of its case; shuffle, shuffle, shuffle down the security lines! The 3-hour flight went by fairly quickly. And then we emerged into the warmer, more humid climate that is in North Carolina, at this time of year. After the dry air in western Nebraska, this humidity felt quite oppressive!
OF COURSE.... the first stop after getting our rental car.... was to dine at the nearest Cracker Barrel we could find. It was SO GOOD!!! Praise God for all good things... including Cracker Barrel stores and restaurants.
We decided to drive an hour and one-half south of Raleigh, to get to a hotel in Southern Pines, which is a stone's throw from Pinehurst, which is considered to be one of the world's premier golf destinations. The plan is for Belinda to rest tomorrow morning, while Charles gets out around 6:30 A.M. and plays a round of golf somewhere in Pinehurst. His dream realized. Her dream realized. What a great start to the vacation! Afterward, we will be driving toward Jonesborough, Tennessee, where we will enjoy the National Storytelling Festival.
Stay tuned for more info tomorrow.
And, yes, thank you, God, for a wonderful start to our week vacation!!!
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