Friday, January 19, 2007

The Move, Day Ten

The garage is clearing out, finally! The moving supplies were picked up by Jay Stanley from the command's Housing office so that is done. And then Belinda and I took all of the paper and glass recycling to the base to get that taken care of. We've been really good at recycling and were truly miffed when the Council crew missed us this week! All that is left now is the plastic and the cardboard which we'll take care of next week.

We've also got a few odds and ends to give away, some folks are going to be very happy indeed!

This morning we woke to a much calmer world, the gales of the past few days had departed leaving us no worse for the wear. The little birds were gratedful I'm sure to see food back in the feeders!

After getting ourselves sorted, we were off to the Mt. Joy/Colan Methodist Chapel. We had been invited to give a talk and to share in the monthly meal of a group comprised of older folks from several churches. Charles gave a talk about our journey in the Navy starting with the message he gave to the class of '99 at Osmond & Winside based on the Dr. Seuss book, "Oh, The Places You Will Go."

Charles blended our experiences in the Navy, the relationships we've had along the way and the places we've seen with the role being played in that little chapel and the ministry we're looking forward to when we return to Nebraska. It will be sad to leave this place and these people but as Charles pointed out, God is already at work where we are going next and there are stories to hear and share when we get there!


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