Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Move, Day Three

Praise be to God that the stuff is gone! And super praise to God that when the very day (yesterday) when they were packing all our worldly possessions on to the truck... it did not rain.. the sun was shining... it was a lovely day! All days surrounding yesterday have been rainy with lots of wind! Today is like that, in fact! Whew: good news, indeed! Didn't want all our things all wet in the crates.... to stay in the crates... growing mold... for the next 5 months!

Now we have our suitcases packed and a few other things in the house, so we can live here until we check into the hotel on 22 January. We are going to be staying at the Hotel Victoria in downtown Newquay. The Government pays for us to stay nine nights here in Newquay... and then it will pay for us to stay at a hotel around London on 31 January, near the airport from which we will be flying out on Feburary 1st. We are still waiting for our airline tickets (then we'll know which airport it is from which we will be flying).

For now, we have some cleaning to do!

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