Thursday, July 05, 2007

Happy Fourth of July from Sidney, Nebraska!

Greetings one and all! Happy Fourth of July 2007!!

What a great holiday it was today for us folks living here in the town of Sidney, Nebraska. It all started last night when the town set off an amazing celebration of fireworks. We sat in lawn chairs at the end of our long driveway, watching them go off. Some of our neighbors joined us. It was a really fun time!

This morning, at around 7:00 a.m., we heard the loud "boom" when some of the town folks blew up an anvil (an annual Fourth of July tradition here). This afternoon, we spent a few hours unpacking more boxes and organizing our things. Tonight we walked to the town park, where the Ladies Chamber Division of the Cheyenne County Chamber of Commerce sponsored a free ice cream social. They had local entertainers performing in the gazebo. We actually saw a little girl "walking" her pet pig! We enjoyed sitting with Bea and Bill from our church! All of us enjoyed listening to the "oldies and goodies" music; they even had a barber shop quartet called the "Clippers!"

After we got home, we joined some neighbors on their front porch, recounting the day's activities. Long into this evening, we were able to see more fireworks out our living room windows. The neighbors were busy setting off their fireworks all around the town. Charles even set off a few of his own!

Yes, the sign when you enter Nebraska is correct: This IS the good life!

Praise be to God!!!

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