Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Parsonage Ponderings from Belinda

Yesterday was a busy day.

In the morning, it was office work and the final unpacking of things at the parsonage. In the afternoon, Pastor Charles officiated at the memorial service of Janie E. Gates Beran. This was one amazing lady, to be sure!

There was a special energy being generated by the people attending the service. Obviously, these people were forever influenced and changed by having known this very talented lady... an artist, a teacher, a colleague, an associate, a sister, cousin, mother, grandmother, etc. During the service, many folks offered their favorite memories of time spent with her. Afterwards, there was an unusual "buzz" of ... well, joy... it felt like joy... their joy for having had the priviledge of knowing her and getting to spend time with her.

Although we never met Ms. Beran, we felt like we got to know her (just a little bit) from the stories we heard retold, from the beauty that exuded from some of her artwork that was displayed in the church foyer and from the joy emitted by friends and family who rejoiced and thanked God for the gift of this lady in their lives. Thanks be to God for giving us such special people in our lives!

In the evening, Belinda attended the "Friends of the Library" meeting. She joined the group, and she volunteered Pastor Charles to write a book review for their next newsletter. (She is so good at volunteering him for things, don't you know?!) She was impressed with the level of commitment demonstrated by these faithful citizens who have pledged to "support quality library service in the community through fund-raising, volunteerism, and serving as advocates for the library's program."

Today we are looking forward to the 9:00 a.m. Prayer Circle at the church. Belinda is having someone come over to the parsonage for afternoon tea at 2:00 p.m. And tonight at 6:30 p.m., there is a planning meeting for the Cub Scouts in the area.

God is SO good!

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