Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Visitors to the Parsonage!

The parsonage received a VERY important visitor today! His name is Kevin Brown. He and his family attend Sidney First United Methodist Church.

As you can see from the picture, of all the kids in America, he won "The Cheesiest Kid at Wal-Mart" award this year. His picture was actually on the box of Macaroni and Cheese, along with his hometown designation of Sidney, Nebraska! Yee-haw! He "even" autographed one of "his" boxes for Pastor Charles! Of course, we have it in a place of honor in our kitchen! (Actually, he gave it to Pastor Charles on his first Sunday to preach at the church. It made the day all the more special because of that generous gift!)

Well, today, Kevin was recognized in our local library's children's reading program. He read ten books, so he was eligible for prizes AND a special reading button/badge. His mother Carrie said that when he received it, he told her that he wanted to give it to Pastor Charles, because he probably did not have that button. It mentions getting a clue, since that was the theme of this year's program.

Kevin convinced his mom to drive him to the parsonage for the button presentation. Unfortunately, Pastor Charles was away in Lincoln, attending a pastors' meeting, so he wasn't on hand to receive it in person. He certainly has a big surprise when he gets home tonight! Pastor always says, "a day when you get a button is a VERY good day, indeed!"

Belinda gave the family the parsonage tour, especially pastor's button collection in the basement. (Total is over 7,000 buttons now!) Kevin and sister Samantha had fun looking at some of them, recognizing ones from movies they have seen and others from different businesses and restaurants. We enjoyed a great visit!

Praise be to God for a young man with a sweet, generous spirit! Praise be to God for parents who nurture such a soul!

And tonight, as Charles was driving back home, Rilla Draper, a dear lady from the church, stopped by the parsonage and collected Belinda, so she could go with her to the Christian Women's Group gathering at the local Holiday Inn. With Rilla was a lovely lady named Ardis, who lives in a farm near Rilla. So off the dynamic trio went. We had a lovely dinner, and then Rilla gave a wonderful special presentation about her collection of bird nests. Afterwards, there were door prizes, newcomer welcome gifts, musical offerings by an amazing couple of ladies and a a featured speaker. We had a great evening!

God is SO good!

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