Saturday, March 31, 2007

Back in Nebraska!

What a whoosh! We got through our errands in Colorado Springs this morning and headed back to Nebraska this afternoon.
We are glad we got a chance to get together with the Hammitt family in Monument last night, what a treat!
Before leaving Colorada Springs, we enjoyed one last look at Pikes Peak all covered in snow, what a special memory to take with us!!!

We decided to take a scenic route back to Nebraska and by-passed Denver and all that traffic. Along the way we saw a herd of pronghorns who seemed to be watching us as intently as we watched them.

After meandering through the Colorado and Nebraska countryside, we ended up in Scottsbluff (in western Nebraska) where we'll be through Wednesday.

We hope to have news to report this coming week, check back often to learn the latest news!!!


Anonymous said...

hey aunt b and uncle c. it's kyle. hey i love the pictures! it looks like you're in a gas station or novelty shop. i'll tell ya i love payphones cause of the picture of aunt b with a payphone in the backround. i'm thinking of buying my own. oh and i love the keychain.


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Anonymous said...

Good day, sun shines!
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