Thursday, March 08, 2007

Thursday is a hit!

Another beautiful day here in Santa Fe even thought there were plenty of weather changes to keep everyone hopping. It was cooler today and a we even had a brief rain shower in the afternoon.
We went to get a massage this morning since we have been traveling for over a month and we were feeling a bit out of alignment! So we got ourselves down to "High timz Oxygen Bar & Utopia Massage" where Lisa put us through the paces. When she was done we were both feeling a lot happier and more mellow than we had in weeks!!

While Belinda was getting her massage, Charles took the opportunity to visit the nearby Georgia O'Keefe Museum ( After seeing a glimpse of her work yesterday Charles was motivated to see "the rest of the story." The range of the artist's production was simply astounding and if you're ever in Santa Fe stop by and see what all the fuss is about!

After some strolling around looking at shops, we ate lunch again at the Plaza Cafe` and enjoyed the people watching across at the people eating in the park. On our walk-about we passed through Burro Alley where we made sure to get pictures taken with one of Santa Fe's star attractions. After getting caught in the rain (we ducked into a cute shop to wait it out) Charles dropped Belinda off at a mall where she did some shopping and got a color bath with the New Mexico style.

Charles then took off for a whirl of museum-viewing. On Museum Hill he found four museums and got into three of them. First up was the Museum of International Folk Art ( which showcased styles and objects from around the world. It was really a fun place to wander around in.

Next up was the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture ( This may well be the best overall museum Charles said he'd been to since we've been back. The displays seemed to cover everything from ancient indiginous cultures to today's Native Americans and culture.

Finally it was time for the Museum of Spanish Colonial Art ( Set in an old Spanish colonial home, the museum displayed items depicting life on the Spanish frontier through everyday objects and some really well-done paintings.

After supper in the old part of town at Tomisita's (next to the railway station) it was back to the hotel for a rest and relaxation before tomorrow's adventure. Come back and see where we went and what we did!!!

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