Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Elk on the loose in Colorado!

Our brief foray into Wyoming ended this morning, and we headed back into Colorado to see a few more sights in the Rocky Mountain State!

First up was the Rocky Mountain National Park (www.nps.gov/romo) which is located northwest of Denver. This unique ecosystem is really great. Though a good portion of the road was closed due to snow in the upper elevations, we were still in for a real treat.

As we started to drive along the portion of the road that was open, we encountered an awesome sight: a herd of elk was crossing the road right in front of us!!! There must have been 20-30 of them! Then when they were gone, we drove about a mile or so along the road and came to a spot on the road that overlooked a valley below where the herd of elk, now numbering over 50, was so amazing to see that we were simply spell-bound.

Then, when we were almost out of the park, we saw more elk, which really made our day. We had read that wildlife were easily seen in this park, but we had no idea just how easily!!!!

After that, well, we headed south towards the city of Golden. We are going to see some of the sights in this historic city before heading towards Colorado Springs for a few days.

Hope your day was as amazing as ours was!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey aunt b and uncle c. my day was okay, we threw around the ol' machete. i rented some movies, and CHILDREN OF MEN is a great film about the world ending. then i watched THE PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS which was (not for me) a tear jurker. my spring break has been filled with bill engvall, larry the cable guy, jeff foxworthy, and ron white. well anyway the elk reminded me of one time where me,dad, and my mom followed a dear 1/4th of a mile.