Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Just like the Pony Express: "Westward Ho"

Hello from Colorado Springs, Colorado!
We enjoyed a lovely drive through Nebraska today. After leaving Lincoln in the morning, we headed west on I-80, next stop: Colorado. Well, not really, we couldn't pass up stopping in in Kearney, NE, to visit a good friend, Rev. Dr. Marvin Koelling, Charles' former district superintendent when he was first in Nebraska. We had a great visit with him, getting caught up on life events for the past few years! He gave us a tour of the church he is pastoring ( They are doing so many amazing things!! It was so inspiring to feel the energy of that congregation! Yea, God!
Just before Kearney we saw thousands of geese, ducks and swans taking part in the annual migration north. It is so moving and inspiring to see this miracle of nature. Charles likened it to the mass of planes and people moving through the skies above any major airport. We also saw the Archway Monument -, (located above I-80 east of Kearney), we must make a point of visiting this tribute to the early pioneers.

We also stopped by Gothenburg, Nebraska, where we saw an original pony express station! We were quite excited by that! Even though there was a lot of snow on the ground it was fun to see a slice of American history. And, of course, while we were there, we just had to poke our heads into the local United Methodist Church there, which is absolutely beautiful, by the way!

We enjoyed a lovely day, driving through the western part of Nebraska, and then into Colorado! A beautiful day all around, it was!

Now we are all tucked into a fabulous suite of the Rampart Inn here at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. It is really quite plush! We are grateful to be staying in this lovely place. It will be great to see the mountains all around us tomorrow morning in the daylight!
See you tomorrow!

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