Saturday, February 24, 2007

It's SNOWING in Lincoln!

What a week! Last Sunday we woke to an inch of snow at Lake Junaluska, North Carolina and tonight we are in Lincoln, Nebraska with a blizzard in the making beginning to show signs of materializing already. It was interesting getting around today - rain, hail, & snow, oh my!

We spent the afternoon getting around Lincoln with all of the other people trying to get those last minute chores done before the expected snow and winds came in from the west. After lunch at Cracker Barrel, we managed to find some nifty skirts for Belinda at one of the area malls.

This evening we went to a service at St. Mark's UMC on the south side of Lincoln ( It was a lovely service in their chapel, about 50 or so brave souls faced the weather and came to the service. There are supposed to be four services tomorrow morning, we'll see how many we can make, I suppose some of it will depend upon just how much of the snow we end of getting overnight. Since there is a Cracker Barrel next to our hotel, we forced ourselves to pay another visit and then got into the hotel as the winds picked up a notch.

Stay tuned to tomorrow's blog entry to see how we fared!

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