Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter in Minnesota & July 2007 NEWS!!!

Happy Easter!

Today was the day we've been waiting for, the day we can announce where we are going next! But first...

Having accepted our friend Rev. Judy Clark's invitation to preach at her two churches, we attended Easter services as both Emily UMC and Pine River UMC, where Charles preached and assisted Judy with serving communion. It was a lovely experience for us, it felt just like our time in Osmond & Winside, Nebraska. We really enjoyed the service and the chance to experience life in the parish, Minnesota-style!

The big news is of course our appointment in the Nebraska Annual Conference. Effective July 1st, Charles will be the pastor of the First United Methodist Church in Sidney, Nebraska ( Sidney is in the western part of Nebraska, south of Scottsbluff and about 4 hours from Denver. It is right on I-80, 400 miles from Omaha!

The church and the parsonage are both much bigger than we were expecting. The parsonage has five bedrooms, three baths and is really a nice house with lots of room for company! The church has 580 members, two services each Sunday (one in a chapel, the other in the main sanctuary), and is right next door to the parsonage. We are excited with the choice of Sidney, there are over 6,000 people living there, it is the headquarters of Cabela, the outdoors supply company ( and has everything we could ask for in a town.
We are exited to be going there are now the really hard part of our post-Navy life begins: Waiting for July 1st to get here!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I - thought I'd see if Kyle noticed I left a message.... Sounds like everything is falling into place. Take care, Rob