Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter Monday at Pelican Lake, MN

Happy Easter Monday!

With more snow in the forecast for this part of Minnesota in the next few days, we decided to get out and see a little bit of the area and enjoy the warm (for Minnesota) weather!

We did some window shopping in the nearby town of Crosby where we met some wonderful folks and Belinda got Charles some nifty buttons for his collection. We also ate lunch in nearby Ironton at a place called "Gary's" which has the most incredible mushroom and wild rice soup!!!!

After that, it was on to Aitkin where we hooked up with friend Judy and her fiance', Leon. We were able to look at the the UMC there, thanks to Judy's sister who is married to the pastor. They have a stunning window that was so inspiring to gaze upon! (
Before we left Aitkin, we picked up desert at a nice cafe' that had a "Red Hat" lady sitting at a table. It was nice to see this tradition continued in the north country! Then it was on to Judy's lake-side cabin for supper and more conversation. It was so nice to see her "sanctuary" in the woods!

Now we're back in Breezy Point, trying to decide what to do next! Guess that will depend upon how much snow we get tonight!!!

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