Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Fiesta in San Antonio, Texas!

Mother and I and a couple of great friends went downtown last night, and we had a ball... or rather, we had a F-I-E-S-T-A! Yee-haw!

We had dinner at a restaurant along the river, and when we were done, we went out on their balcony and watched the river parade, as it floated by! The colors were amazing! The barges with all their lights and energized people on them... all waving and singing to us... WOW! What a great time was had by all! And.... even though the weather folks had called for rain, it did NOT rain. There was a lovely breeze, and it was a just-right-perfect-coolish evening. Praise be to God!

I hope that everyone has the chance (even if just once in a lifetime)... to experience some of the San Antonio Fiesta Experience! It is something to remember your whole life long!

God is SO good!

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