Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Chimney Rock and more!

We woke to a rainy Monday here in western Nebraska, badly needed rain, but a real change from the last few days!

We explored more of Scottsbluff this morning and then went in search of more sites in the area of note. First up was Chimney Rock (www.nps.gov/chro), a place made famous as a significant marker on the Oregon Trail. It was special to see it framed as it was by the rain clouds coming from the west.

We met with our District Superintendant for supper and then toured our new home and church followed by a meeting the church's Pastor-Parish Relations Committee (PPRC). To learn where we'll be come July, be sure to visit the blog on Sunday (sorry about the suspense, we can't say where we'll be until the congregation knows - it is just part of the process!). We can say this about our visit: We were so impressed the church which is beyond anything we could have imagined and the beautiful parsonage has room for lots of visitors! But the best part about this parish is the people - we are truly blessed to be sent to this place and this warm and generous congregation!!!

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