Sunday, May 27, 2007

From the Peabody Ducks and beyond!

Today was a full day to be sure! Due to a noisy neighbor at the hotel last night, we didn't get as much sleep as we would have preferred, so we ended up over-sleeping this morning! We did make it to the nearby Peabody Hotel ( in time to see the famous "Peabody Ducks" on parade. The hotel is home to a tradition that dates back to the 1930's and it really was fun to see this quaint tradition unfold before us. On the other hand, it really does point out the extravagance that some live with that hundreds of people would pay a lot of money to stay in a hotel whose main claim to fame is five ducks that live in the hotel penthouse and spend their days swimming in the lobby fountain.

We left Memphis after witnessing the duck parade and found our way to Graceland, former home of Elvis Presley ( Once we found our way there (with an accidental detour into Mississippi), we decided that we really didn't need to see another extravagent home and so we continued on our way.

We passed through Arkansas, driving though a portion of the Boston Mountain range (a portion of the Ozark Mountains) which was really, really pretty in the evening light. We could see why people go on and on about how beautiful this part of the world is. Ending the day in Carthage, Missouri (near Joplin), we found a hotel and are grateful for the chance to rest and recover from a full day on the road.

Tomorrow we continue north, bound for Omaha, Nebraska! Come on back and see why we are going there!!!

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