Saturday, May 05, 2007

Time for a Picnic!

Today was a beautiful day on the Gulf coast of Florida! We had a family picnic in Philipee Park in the north of Pinellas County along the shores of Tampa Bay.

Thirteen of us turned out to sample Joe's home-baked cheesecakes, cousin Lydia's version of "Pink stuff," Mom and Tom's baked beans and Aunt Betty's chicken! A good time was had by all and we got caught up on the news from the scattered family.

After coming home to recover from all the good food, Joe, Jody and I took a trip down memory lane by driving around some of the old haunts in Largo, FL. We really couldn't get over the changes that have taken place there, not only in the places we used to live and work, but in the schools, shopping, roads, well, you get the idea!

We are driving to Orlando tomorrow to see The Holy Land Experience, should be fun!

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