Thursday, June 28, 2007

Oh, What a Day

So many things came together today. It was a big step toward getting our new home ready!

Today began with a visit to the Cheyene/Sidney Chamber of Commerce office where both Charles and Belinda joined up. We learned many new things about our new community and are eager to begin. Joining the Chamber is a good way to meet people and to get involved in what is important to people in the area.

Then it was off to the lumber yard to pick up the long-awaited pegs for Charles' bookshelves! Whoray! Most of the afternoon and into the evening was spent by Charles putting his office in order. He is intent on having things ready for Sunday!!!

Also this afternoon the nice man from the re-sale shop in Kimball brought the items we had purchased on Tuesday to the house. We are so much closer to having the house in the right condition to begin receiving visitors. What a job this has been, it is such a lovely house that we want to do it justice in putting things where they belong!

We met more neighbors today including Mel and Doris, the couple who live behind us. They've been married 59 years and have some wonderful stories to go along with each of those years :)

We also got to hear a bit of the rehersal of the men's quartet (from our church). What a gift they offer to the church and the praise they give to God through song is truly special. We can't wait until Sunday to hear what they offer on our first Sunday in Sidney.

Tomorrow we are back to the VA in Cheyene, WY for another appointment. Then back to Sidney for more unpacking, yeah!

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