Saturday, June 23, 2007

Saturday #1 in Sidney

After the push to get the movers' task completed yesterday, it was on to the task for us of unpacking. Saturday was spent mainly going through the boxes in the kitchen and in the office at the church. Of course those with much experience in moving know that each box or room yield as many surprises and questions as it does solutions.

We are making steady progress, though we know that there are a number of steps to take before we can even consider an open house! We met more of our neighbors today, Scott and Rachel live two houses down from us and are just wonderful people. All the neighbors we have met have been most welcoming, just the sort of reception that makes living in western Nebraska so terrific.

Another experience that we had today was joining many others from Sidney and the surrounding communities in a witness to the funeral procession of Specialist John Borm, a resident of Sidney, killed in Iraq on June 13th. It was very inspirational, and very sobering, to see the procession and the tribute to this hometown hero.

Tomorrow Charles preaches at the UMC in Ogalalla, and then we will resume the dance with the boxes!

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