Sunday, June 10, 2007

The week that was in Lincoln

The whoosh that was Annual Conference has run it's course and now we can summarize the results!

Having arrived in Lincoln on Monday, we went to the Cornhusker Hotel on Tuesday and offered our help with the preparation of packets of materials for those attending. It was fun being part of the "behind the scenes" gang!

Wednesday - The Conference began with the Clergy session in the morning followed quickly by a flurry of lunches, meetings, and of course, browsing the stalls and Cokesbury offerings!!! The highlight of the first day of Conference is the Memorial service that evening at St. Paul UMC in Lincoln. A wonderful experience and the singing was very moving.

Thursday - The Conference continued with sessions in the morning and then we had break-out groups that met to discuss petitions and resolutions that were being presented to the Annual Conference and to next year's General Conference.

Friday - We continued with the plenary sessions in the morning and workshops in the afternoon. The highlight of Friday is always the Ordination Service in the evening. It sure brings back some powerful memories of Charles' own ordination in 1996!

Saturday - The Conference concluded with the completion of the voting for the delegates to General and Jurisdictional Conference and other pending business. The best part was the "fixing" of the clergy appointments and the meeting in our new district groups. Charles got selected for three committees and is really looking forward to being involved in these. Belinda was very busy in the morning with a gathering of "The Parsonage Connection," this is an association of clergy spouses that offers support to one another in their challenging role!

We left Lincoln, heading west for Colorado where we will stay for the coming week in Monument (housesitting for Belinda's brother, Rob). We are so looking forward to unpacking and getting to work in Sidney in less than two weeks!

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